Surry Hills Terrace Model Kit

Terrace houses have been residing in Australian cities since the earliest days of colonial settlement. They represent another English tradition brought out to the colonies. Their subtle details reflect the variation of architectural styles seen in nineteenth century England. Expansive rows of terrace houses were built between 1840 and 1890 as an economical way to house the rapidly growing population of Australia’s expanding cities and regional centers.

Information included about the history of the buildings, their location, methods of construction, architectural details and historical anecdotes. Instructions included with the model are easy to follow, with stage by stage diagrams.

Model Scale 1:100

Origin: Made in Australia

Materials: Fine grain American cherry

Dimensions: H 12.2cm x W 5.8cm x D 10.1cm

Note: Glue is required but not supplied. A good quality PVA wood glue is recommended.

Packaging: Boxed