Chris Spiker
This art print is a reproduction of an original watercolour painting by Chris Spiker.
This art print is a reproduction of an original watercolour painting by Chris Spiker.
This art print is a reproduction of an original watercolour painting by Chris Spiker. Numbat (Myr...
This art print is a reproduction of an original watercolour painting by Chris Spiker. Numbat (Myrmecobius fasciatus)Numbats, also known as banded anteaters, feed during the daylight hours, which is unusal for mammals. At about 40cm long, the numbat is a ground dweller of mostly wandoo forests, where timber also provides exclusive feeding source where adult numbats consume around 20,000 termites per day mostly during the cool of the morning and late afternoon. While they are a solitary animal,...
This limited edition print, from an original fine art watercolour by Chris Spiker, depicts two re...
This limited edition print, from an original fine art watercolour by Chris Spiker, depicts two red-tailed black cockatoos playing in Corymbia ficifolia (as known as red-flowering gum). "Unlike most birds, the black cockatoo can be represented in various postures. The one I most like or admire is this one where the male bird throws out the frontal crest, splays the feathers below the lower bill, and takes on the appearance of an Emperor. Each of my paintings is a unique composition and not bas...
Splendid View of the Ridge Print
This limited edition print, from an original fine art watercolour by Chris Spiker, depicts splend...
This limited edition print, from an original fine art watercolour by Chris Spiker, depicts splendid fairy-wrens in the bush of the northern banks of the Margaret River.
Splendid Wrens on the Patersonia Print
This art print is a reproduction of an original watercolour painting by Chris Spiker.
This art print is a reproduction of an original watercolour painting by Chris Spiker.
This art print is a reproduction of an original watercolour painting by Chris Spiker.
This art print is a reproduction of an original watercolour painting by Chris Spiker.
This art print is a reproduction of an original watercolour painting by Chris Spiker. Red-tailed ...
This art print is a reproduction of an original watercolour painting by Chris Spiker. Red-tailed black cockatoo (Calyptorhynchus banksii)Glimpses of brilliant red tail feathers and the loud "karee" call are the signs of the most glamorous of the Western Australian black cockatoos. Sometimes called the forest red-tailed black cockatoo, this beauty of the south west travels in flocks of 10 to 30 above the trees, where they feed on the seeds of the marri, jarrah, karri and sheoak. Habitat cleari...
This limited edition print, from an original fine art watercolour by Chris Spiker, depicts five p...
This limited edition print, from an original fine art watercolour by Chris Spiker, depicts five pink and grey galahs chatting in a tree. "We have several galahs visiting our garden and surrounding open land. The antics they get up to when relating to one another is often humorous and appears to be playful. But they also squabble and peck at one another in order to protect their space on a branch or to be near a mate, or so it seems. While they are also known in Western Australia as pink and ...
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