Christian Rendtorff
In 1988, after completing his apprenticeship as a cabinet and furniture maker in Germany, Christian migrated to Australia. Christian says that this country has given him the opportunity to follow his dreams - to run his own business and to work purely with native timbers.
Christian started making boxes when he discovered that a large number of native trees don't grow to a size usable for furniture. In making small objects, he can utilise a vast variety of native timbers.
Christian doesn't see himself as an artist as much as a craftsperson. The "art" is to be found in the beauty of the wood.
Influenced by Danish furniture design, Christian prefers to keep things simple with clean lines and to let the colour and grain of the timber speak for itself. The timber used in his work is usually either recycled or salvaged after having been cut down to make way for construction, urban development or road works. If he does purchase timber from a saw mill, he tries to counterbalance this by making a donation to a tree replanting program.
Made in Western Australia.